Roy’s Peak: Chasing the Sunset in Wanaka

Roy’s Peak, near Wanaka, is one of those iconic spots you just can’t miss if you’re visiting New Zealand. It’s famous on Instagram, and for good reason—the views are nothing short of breathtaking. I don’t shy away from photographing popular locations because, after all, there’s a reason why they’re so admired. This hike was no exception.

Nicolas Jægergaard

The Hike to Roy's Peak Lookout

The walk up to the lookout is tough but completely worth it. It took me around 2.5 hours to reach the lookout point, with a steady, steep incline almost the whole way. While it’s a bit of a workout, the path is well-maintained, and anyone with decent fitness can make it. After the lookout, it’s another 30-60 minutes to the very top of Roy’s Peak, but I chose to stay at the lookout for sunset, which turned out to be the best decision.

Capturing the Perfect Light
As the sun dipped behind the surrounding mountains, the most beautiful light emerged. The golden glow spread across the peaks, with some snow still visible on the higher summits, creating a scene that felt almost magical. Of course, I had to grab my camera and capture those moments. Being up there, bathed in the soft light of the fading sun, was an experience that will stay with me for a long time.

Photo shot with self-timer on a tripod

Solitude at the Top

What made the moment even more special was the calmness. I was alone at the lookout for quite a while, and with not many people around – especially during sunrise or sunset – it felt like I had the whole place to myself. The stillness, combined with the vastness of the landscape, made it a truly memorable experience. There’s also a toilet up there, which is quite convenient – and it comes with a pretty nice view too!

The Hike Down
After the sun had set, the hike back down was a different challenge. With darkness quickly approaching, I had to navigate the steep path in near darkness, so having a flashlight is essential. It was during this descent that I noticed some of the local wildlife – rabbits and possums darting across the trail. Walking down calmly is also key if you don’t want your legs to be too sore the next day, as the steep descent can be hard on your knees.

Tips for Your Hike

If you’re planning on hiking Roy’s Peak, here are a few things I recommend:

  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to keep your energy up for the 2.5-hour climb.
  • If you’re heading up for sunrise or sunset, pack a warm jacket. It can get windy and quite cold once the sun is down.
  • A flashlight is a must if you’re hiking after sunset.
  • Don’t forget your tripod! It’s perfect for capturing those epic sunset shots or getting that classic Roy’s Peak selfie.
  • And yes, there’s a toilet at the top!

A walk you have to do

Wrap-up Roy’s Peak may be famous, but for good reason. The views, especially at sunset, are absolutely worth the hike. If you’re up for the challenge, the peace and beauty you’ll find at the top will make every step worthwhile.

Want to see more of my adventures? Follow me on Instagram @nicolasjaegergaard for more photos from this trip and other scenic hikes across New Zealand.

This blog post was written with the assistance of AI technology to help organize and enhance my ideas and experiences.
All content is based on my personal travels and photography on this adventure.